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Learn Karate, Kickboxing & Taiko
in weekly courses

Several times a week I teach Karate, Kickboxing & Taiko courses at DOJO SANDOKAN & DANCE4ART. At Taiko, my co-trainer Britta leads some of the courses. Feel free to come by for a trial lesson.


To get started with taiko, I recommend attending a beginner's workshop or private lesson, as this makes it easier to join an already ongoing group.



Experience 2-3 hours of intensive Taiko in Korschenbroich, Germany & Europe

​Regardless of whether it is a team building event, a holiday leisure activity for young people or the highlight of a birthday party, I would be happy to design a suitable workshop. Either in my home DOJO or directly at your site.

If there are enough participants, I will also organize taster workshops to get you started in our Sandaiko group.

If there is interest, I will also visit other Taiko Dojos in Germany and Europe as an external workshop leader and/or guest.

Taiko Shudaiko Shimedaiko 3

Private lessons

Learn karate, kickboxing, taiko, cajon, tongue drum or handpan flexibly and individually

From Monday to Thursday mornings/noon I offer private lessons for individuals or small groups.


Here the topics are individually adapted to all participants.


Appointments can be arranged at short notice via Whatsapp.

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